🎉 We're on track with our expected production schedule and started manufacturing this week!
📆 This part will take about ~10 weeks, then the bags will be in stock early August (and ship to customers then).
🏡. For customers, we'll confirm your address at least twice before shipping.
🙏 A huge THANK YOU for your support.You are literally the reason we’re able to run this presale, we appreciate you, and couldn’t do this without you.
We're a small company paying for this all out of pocket which is why we're running a presale instead the traditional route.
Haven't snagged yours yet? DO THAT HERE NOW
We've mentioned that this isn't our first rodeo have you read our FAQ? No? Didn't think so, that's why you keep emailing us all the questions, but we're more than happy to answer and love to connect with you.
Don't @ us if we're answering your emails in the squat rack.
💰 Price updates:
As an incentive to our earliest supporters, we made the price as affordable as possible. Now that things are more guaranteed, as we get closer to having bags in hand, the price will go up.
As the risk goes down, so does the ... reward? Okay that doesn't really work, but you get the point.
The earliest birds get the cheapest duffels (sort of working better).
So if you want this price, go freaking get it.
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